Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Legislative Day: Activities for February 6th

Each year VAACE schedules legislative day for the first Tuesday in February. This year that day falls on the 6th. Below is the information Jane Swing, President of Vaace, sent over. You might contact your RLCC lead agent to see how you can join in, or visit the VAACE website at www.vaace.org for more information. Click here to enter.

Dale Temple has been communicating with the RLCCs (Regional Literacy Coordinating Committees).

The plans so far are:

The VAACE board will meet at the Crowne Plaza Richmond on Monday, February the 5th. RLCC members will join the group at 1:00 p.m. for assembly of materials for distribution.

Some rooms are reserved at the Crowne Plaza for this purpose.

Early Tuesday morning, the group will meet in the hotel lobby to go to legislature building. They should be finished by noon. Our database meeting and VLLC meeting will begin at 12:30 at the READ Center, just a 15 minute drive from the Capitol Building.

Here is some contact information:

Jane Swing, VAACE President

W- jswing@radford.edu

Debbie Bergtholdt, VAACE Vice President

H- gdcepet@cox.net
W- dbergtholdt@vcu.edu

Troilen Seward, Legislative Liaison

H- Troilen@aol.com

Dale Temple, RLCC

H- dtemple@telpage.net
W- dtemple@princegeorgeva.org

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